LEGO® Harry Potter™ Diagon Alley™ (75978) is a superb recreation of London’s most magical shopping street for fans of the Harry Potter movies aged 16 and up. Iconic stores packed with authentic movie details<br/>Measuring more than a meter wide, the impressive model captures the scale and ambience of the bustling magic-supplies hub. Behind magnificent facades lie intriguing interiors, fascinating features and familiar characters. Check out the wands at Ollivanders™; drop in on Gilderoy Lockhart™'s book-signing event at Flourish & Blotts™ bookseller; obtain a love potion from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes™; and peruse the products and paraphernalia at Scribbulus™ Writing Implements, Quality Quidditch™ Supplies, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and the Daily Prophet™. Cool collectible building toys<br/>The extensive range of LEGO models and playsets provide fans of the Harry Potter Universe with endless imaginative fun and creative display possibilities.

Diagon Alley™
LEGO® Harry Potter™ Diagon Alley™ (75978) is a superb recreation of London’s most magical shopping street for fans of the Harry Potter movies aged 16 and up. Iconic stores packed with authenti ...
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